A Healthy Approach to Mood

Three effective ways to keep your mood in check on a daily basis

| By Jeannette Qhek · 12 September, 2021 | Category: Wellness

Keeping my mood in optimal shape on a daily basis is something that I’ve grown to be obsessed with. In my free time, I am constantly exploring new ways or routines to increase positive feelings to contribute to my overall well-being. In the past, I use to think that our mood is mostly affected by external stimuli such people or events in our daily lives and we only have little control over it. 

While it is true that external stimulations can affect our mood to a large extent, our mood is not entirely dependent on them. Instead, how we feel at a given moment is largely in our control and there are habits we can cultivate to keep our mind and mood in check. Don’t we feel relieved knowing that we are largely in control of how we feel and there are specific steps we can take to do so?

Our mood and mental health affect every aspect of our lives, from how we feel about ourselves to the relationships we have with others. It also affects our physical health. There are so many benefits to achieving a good and healthy mood — we connect better with others, we bring positive energy to peoples’ lives and we become more productive individuals at work. On the contrary, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other mental health issues can come our way if we fail to keep our mood in check.

Here are three useful tips backed by science to improve our mood on a daily basis:

1. Engage in a Mindful Morning Routine

An overall mindful morning routine is definitely essential to help set the mood for the entire day. This is definitely one of my top pieces of advice. Even when we wake up feeling anxious because of a bad dream or the challenges we foresee in the day, having a morning routine to set our mood right once we get out of bed is important. It is important to practice letting our minds be free of anxiety-provoking thoughts as much as possible because research has shown that thoughts that appear in the morning usually set the tone and mood for the rest of the day, which can impact our productivity as well. Basically, we want good thoughts to start off our day. Journaling, taking a stroll, and preparing breakfast are some activities to incorporate into a daily morning routine to start off the day on the right note.

2. Move Your Body

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”

We do not need to be a fitness guru to reap the benefits of exercise. Even moderate amounts of exercise can make a difference to our mood and overall well-being. Any form of constant physical movement releases chemicals such as endorphins in our brain that lift our mood. These brain chemical helps to decrease feelings of tension, improve sleep and elevate our mood.

Regular physical activity can have a positive impact on our mental health and it is a natural remedy to help alleviate depression and anxiety. Research has supported that even moderate exercises such as running for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour a day can reduce the risk of major depression by 26% (Study done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health). Exercise is also a natural and effective form of anxiety treatment. This is especially so when we pay attention to our body sensations while engaging in physical activity, as it helps to interrupt the flow of constant intrusive thoughts that are running through our head.

3. Healthy Gut, Healthy Mood

The relationship between our gut and mood is one that amazes me even until now. Gut health and mood are highly linked. How? As we know, serotonin is a key hormone that stabilises our mood, and feelings of happiness. You may be surprised to know that more than 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in our gut and not our brain. This means that when our gut is stressed and not getting enough proper nutrients to promote bacteria growth, our body may not produce optimal amounts of serotonin which may then affect our mood, thoughts, appetite and even sleep.

Keeping our gut healthy contributes greatly to feelings of happiness and our overall well-being. Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Fruits and Vegetables – Eat more fibre! Fill your plates with colourful fruits, vegetables and whole grain. Fibre helps promote regularity which could affect our mood and also promotes the growth of good bacteria in our microbiome. As much as possible, avoid highly processed high-fat and high-sugar foods as they do not serve the gut health.
  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Take more foods like salmon, tuna and nut oils. These foods are associated with lower anxiety and depression levels.
  3. Probiotics –Make sure to eat a daily source of probiotics be it through supplements or from real food. I would recommend taking it from real fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi or picked vegetables. However, probiotic supplements can also help maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in our gut and those bacteria play an important role in our gut health. 

There is certainly a powerful connection between our brain and gut. Looking after our gut health with a good diet boosts our emotional and mental well-being. A happier life starts from a happy gut!

*You may also find a video sharing of this article on Tiktok here.

*All content here is for informational purposes and does not replace individual professional consultations for mental health questions and issues.


Written By:
Jeannette Qhek
BSc in Psychology & Human Resources (Singapore Management University)
Founder of Chill By Nette